Our therapists

MSK Viktorije Valenta

Personal trainer with a masters degree of kinesiology. Marriage and family therapist at the Franciscan Family Institute. He also provides therapeutic services for individuals and spouses, works as a leader of groups for men, groups for athletes and as a sports psychology therapist. In addition to all that Mr. Valenta is an external lecturer at the HKS Study of Psychology in Zagreb.

PhD Tanja Valenta

With her PhD of marital and family therapy she is the expertise manager at the Franciscan Family Institute where she has regularly provided therapy for the last 15 years. At the same time she works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Theology, Department of Marriage and Family Therapy, and with the Croatian Catholic University in Zagreb at the Department of Psychology. Mrs Valent regularly contributes her relationship and therapy scientific research works to domestic and international conferences.


What kind of therapy sessions do we provide?


Where do we perform our therapies?

– In person at the FDI institute on Nazorjeva street in Ljubljana

– Via the ZOOM platform (for potential customers from the USA, Slovenia and Croatia)

Who is it for?

Our ideal client is a man or woman who has suffered enough and is therefore ready to do something for themself. A person who wants to slowly and gradually open their emotional blockages with a systematic exercise program, special breathing techniques and tools of Western relational psychotherapy. We enjoy growing together with our customers. That's why nothing fulfills us more than when the people we worked with tell us we changed their mind, their view of the world and ther life strenght.

Who are NOWINBODY clients?

Our clients, with whom we build the most trustworthy and successful relationships, are individuals who have had enough experience with the negative consequences of stress and who, due to the wrong attitude towards their body, have consequently abandoned their mind and spirit as well. We work equally well with business women or men aged between 35 and 55 years. These are individuals who need structured work, a compassionate and persistent listener along with the knowledge of not only the body but also of the mind and spirit and the energy to go with. These individuals are busy people with insufficient time for personal, physical or mental growth, with deficiencies in the field of personal relationships and often slowly appearing imperceptible signs which lead to inevitable burnout.

What can we offer?

Our broad and in-depth knowledge of body functionality. We offer knowledge based on years of observation and experience on how to build motoric and functional skills regardless of the condition of their body. Along with body training we also build trust and interpersonal relationships. We offer a KNOW HOW solution for eliminating stress and training the body to restore healthy natural stress regulation. We responsibly support the individual to discover the cause of his problem. Our knowledge of psychotherapy and our own experience are crucial here.